Light Armour
Light armour can be the mass produced protective gear given out to conscripted foot soldiers or a random assortment of shin guards and breast plates looted from a battlefield. Putting on a few items of armour goes a long way to survive an arrow or a sword cut.
Save: A warrior who is wearing light armour has a basic D6 saving throw
of 6.

Save: A warrior who is wearing light armour has a basic D6 saving throw
of 6.

Heavy Armour
Samurai armour is made out of layers of metal strips tied together with strong chords, and laquered wood. Big plates mounted at the shoulders and waist give excellent protection from arrows and blows.
Save: A warrior that is wearing heavy armour has a basic D6 saving throw of 5+.
Movement: A warrior that is armed with both heavy armour and a shield suffers a -1 Movement penalty.
Bullet-proof Armour
This expensive type of armour is fashioned to give the best possible protection from bullets. It is a more modern type of armour that is influenced by the finest Spanish steel plates that can be imported.
Save: Bullet-proof Armour gives the wearer a 4+ basic save.
Save: Bullet-proof Armour gives the wearer a 4+ basic save.
Shields are mostly forgotten since ancient times since Japanese warfare has been dominated by archery and two handed weapons. However, across the Japanese Sea there are other forces that eye the wealthy nation...
Save: A model with a shield has a basic save of 6 on a D6.
Shields are mostly forgotten since ancient times since Japanese warfare has been dominated by archery and two handed weapons. However, across the Japanese Sea there are other forces that eye the wealthy nation...
Save: A model with a shield has a basic save of 6 on a D6.
When sharp metallic objects fly all around you, it is not wise to leave your head exposed. SPECIAL RULE
Avoid stun: A model that is equipped with a helmet has a special 4+ save
on a D6 against being stunned. If the save is made, treat the stunned
result as knocked down instead. This save is not modified by the
opponent’s Strength.
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