Short Bow
The short bow is rare in Japan, but sometimes used by samurai when hunting game from horseback or by nefarious plotters who value concealment and ease of transportation over effectiveness.
Maximum Range: 16"; Strength: 3; Special Rules: None
Maximum Range: 16"; Strength: 3; Special Rules: None
The bow has been the staple weapon of Japanese warfare for almost a thousand years. While muskets have recently dominated the battlefields all samurai are still well trained in firing bows, as are many of the peasants living in the forested hills and mountains of Japan.
Maximum Range: 24"; Strength: 3; Special Rules: None

Maximum Range: 24"; Strength: 3; Special Rules: None

Long Bow
These large compound bows of laminated bamboo and wood are a true warrior's weapon. They were originally developed for use from horseback but can be just as threatening when used on foot.
Maximum Range: 30"; Strength: 3; Special Rules: None
Legendary Bow
Not all bows are created equal. Some are so strong that ordinary mortal men are told to be unable to pull them, and a arrow fired from these bows are said to pierce rock. While many of these tales are just fairy tales, some bows made by master craftsmen can be truly impressive.
Maximum Range: 30"; Strength: 3; Special Rules: -1 Save modifier
Throwing star/knife
Thrown weapon: Models using throwing stars or knives do not suffer penalties for range or moving as these weapons are perfectly balanced for throwing. They cannot be used in close combat.
Maximum Range: 30"; Strength: 3; Special Rules: None
Legendary Bow
Not all bows are created equal. Some are so strong that ordinary mortal men are told to be unable to pull them, and a arrow fired from these bows are said to pierce rock. While many of these tales are just fairy tales, some bows made by master craftsmen can be truly impressive.
Maximum Range: 30"; Strength: 3; Special Rules: -1 Save modifier
Save modifier: A Legendary Bow has a -1 save modifier on armour saves against it.
Save modifier: A Legendary Bow has a -1 save modifier on armour saves against it.
Throwing star/knife
Throwing stars and knives are used when a bulky bow would be too cumbersome. They are usually meant to be more of a distraction to put an enemy off their guard, but in the hands of a trained thrower they can be deadly.
Range: 6"; Strength: As user; Special Rule: Thrown weapon
Thrown weapon: Models using throwing stars or knives do not suffer penalties for range or moving as these weapons are perfectly balanced for throwing. They cannot be used in close combat.
Pistols are still very rare weapons owned only by the wealthiest men. They are difficult to reload, expensive and have terrible range, but their deadliness once fired is enough to make them highly valued.
Maximum Range: 6"; Strength: 4; Special Rules: Prepare shot, Save modifier, Hand-to-hand
Prepare shot: A pistol takes a whole turn to reload, so you may only fire every other turn. If you have a brace of pistols (ie, two) you may fire every turn.
Save modifier: Pistols are even better at penetrating armour than their Strength value of 4 suggests. A model wounded by a pistol must take its armour save with a -2 modifier.
Hand-to-hand: Pistols can be used in hand-to-hand combat as well as for shooting. A model armed with a pistol and another close combat weapon gains +1 Attack, which is resolved at Strength 4 with a -2 save modifier. This bonus attack can be used only once per combat. If you are firing a brace of pistols, your model can fight with 2 Attacks in the first turn of close combat. These attacks are resolved with a model’s Weapon Skill like any normal close combat attack
and likewise may be parried. Successful hits are resolved at Strength 4 and with a -2 save modifier, regardless of the firer’s Strength.
Maximum Range: 6"; Strength: 4; Special Rules: Prepare shot, Save modifier, Hand-to-hand
Prepare shot: A pistol takes a whole turn to reload, so you may only fire every other turn. If you have a brace of pistols (ie, two) you may fire every turn.
Save modifier: Pistols are even better at penetrating armour than their Strength value of 4 suggests. A model wounded by a pistol must take its armour save with a -2 modifier.
Hand-to-hand: Pistols can be used in hand-to-hand combat as well as for shooting. A model armed with a pistol and another close combat weapon gains +1 Attack, which is resolved at Strength 4 with a -2 save modifier. This bonus attack can be used only once per combat. If you are firing a brace of pistols, your model can fight with 2 Attacks in the first turn of close combat. These attacks are resolved with a model’s Weapon Skill like any normal close combat attack
and likewise may be parried. Successful hits are resolved at Strength 4 and with a -2 save modifier, regardless of the firer’s Strength.
These black powder weapons were introduced by Portuguese traders and quickly became popular among Japan's warlords. So popular that in a few decades there will be more firearms in Japan than all of Europe combined. These noisy weapons are feared for their uncanny ability to disregard the laquered wooden samurai armour.
Maximum Range: 24"; Strength: 4; Special Rules: Prepare shot, Move or fire, Save modifier
Prepare shot: A handgun takes a complete turn to reload, so you may only fire it every other turn.
Move or fire: You may not move and fire a handgun in the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up.
Save Modifier: Handguns are even better at penetrating armour than their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a handgun must take its armour save with a -2 modifier.

Maximum Range: 24"; Strength: 4; Special Rules: Prepare shot, Move or fire, Save modifier
Prepare shot: A handgun takes a complete turn to reload, so you may only fire it every other turn.
Move or fire: You may not move and fire a handgun in the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up.
Save Modifier: Handguns are even better at penetrating armour than their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a handgun must take its armour save with a -2 modifier.

Hunting Rifle
Sometimes wealthy samurai will commission elaborately crafted handguns that shoot with greater precision. The care invested means that they cost a small fortune, but their ability to deal death at long range is unequaled.
Maximum Range: 48"; Strength: 4; Special Rules: Move or fire, Prepare shot, Pick target, Save modifier
Move or fire: You may not move and fire a hunting rifle in the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up from knocked down.
Prepare shot: A Hunting rifle takes a complete turn to reload, so you may only fire it every other turn.
Pick target: A model armed with a Hunting rifle can target any enemy model in sight, not just the closest one.
Save modifier: Hunting rifles are even better at penetrating armour than their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a long rifle must make his armour save with a -2
Maximum Range: 48"; Strength: 4; Special Rules: Move or fire, Prepare shot, Pick target, Save modifier
Move or fire: You may not move and fire a hunting rifle in the same turn, other than to pivot on the spot to face your target or stand up from knocked down.
Prepare shot: A Hunting rifle takes a complete turn to reload, so you may only fire it every other turn.
Pick target: A model armed with a Hunting rifle can target any enemy model in sight, not just the closest one.
Save modifier: Hunting rifles are even better at penetrating armour than their Strength 4 suggests. A warrior wounded by a long rifle must make his armour save with a -2
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